Sunday, August 17, 2014

Balance... An Introductory Poem from Scales of a Libra's Affection

When you deposit feelings, what’s the balance 
Accounts of love are always a challenge 
To budget levels of trust in a special individual 
Respect, communication to connection spiritual 
Compatibility and chemistry for the cause 
Press forward with happiness, without much pause 
Attraction is quite twisted from its laws 
Perfectly, we’re supposed to accept those of flaws 
Realizing anytime, we can really get hurt 
The mate for your soul, you don’t want to desert 
Relationships can come with infidelity, rumors and lies 
Reversed emotions, broken hearts to cries 
Do we work it out, after many tries
Do we split contact and say our goodbyes 
We’re left to get over the pain
Sometimes, all alone through snow and rain 
Wasted years, you have ideas for a fresh start 
Getting to know a new person is one hell of an art 
This ache in a breast can’t be fixed by nurse or teacher 
Whether or not, in the zodiac, you’re a firm believer 
So much is in store for the sexy diva  
Talora Jameson, scales of a Libra

© 2014, Alphonso Taylor. All rights reserved. No republication of this material in any form or medium is permitted without expressed permission of the author. 

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