Monday, January 19, 2015

I Dream of Dr. King II: National Nightmare

If the world ended, today
All we’re told, be humble and pray
Youth is expiring, in unrest they lay
Injustice wins, no penalties to pay
Racism still alive, but we shall overcome
From outcries of murder, do we run
Dr. King, how long does one remain silent
when your approach to this was nonviolent
Spyware on devices, Sprint, T-Mobile, Motorola
New technology, gone from Cancer, AIDS to Ebola
We search for fallen foreign planes of the sky
Same ones we teach terrorists how to fly
Give funds and rescue an overseas country
In mine, I’m treated and hunted as a bounty
Dr. King, if only you saw how they did Trayvon Martin
Left the Black community’s hearts hardened
The same happened in a Missouri town
Gunned down was teenager, Michael Brown
It’s called Ferguson of looting and purging
Many businesses to homes were burning
You said, riots are language of the unspoken
against a system not meant to protect us, broken
Can’t forget about Oscar Grant
Fruitvale Station, a New Year’s rant
When we think the madness can’t go no farther
‘I CAN’T BREATHE’, last words of Eric Garner
As a kid, I played with toy guns
but not for Tamir Rice to be shot in fun
Lord, what have we done
Keep being taken away, until we’re none

Invitation by members to join KKK
They must feel Blacks are stupid, no fucking way
Arson crosses as their grills
A barbecue, picnic (pick a nigger) for our kills
Before my time, but I won’t forget
Years, they hid behind sheets and pillow case sets
Think they did something, attending a NAACP meeting
while my skin color is dying with bleeding
Choked to death, put on gurney, like we’re breathing
Shoot us dead, cuff us, as if we’re leaving
The only power we have is vote and protests
When can we strap up in bullet proof vests
Bring crooked law makers and enforcers to test
Without a judge, grand jury, or an arrest
Be their equalizer, Black lives matter
even on camera…
The dream will not shatter
Uplift this stigma
Minorities are the latter
Solve the enigma
Racist chit-chatter
Black men used as target practice for the scare
Waking up to step out my door is a nightmare
To each other, we’re punk ass, bitch niggas
until one of us pull a trigger
If we come forward as witnesses
We disrespected the streets and are snitches
Not supposed to say Black on Black crime
in police brutality time
If so hard, draw your weapons at them
or suit up for war in Afghanistan
Some other nationalities recognize us
Our own women despise us
We’re thugs and abusers in prisons across nation
Harassing, drugging, and charged with rape allegations
Gay, unemployed, no nice guys
Bad partners to fathers without child support to buy
New bitches, broke, weak…we still get The Apology
It’s always said, look at history
Jim Crow, Willie Lynch, and Slavery
Then, maybe we’ll have unity
As people, we’ll never be equal
So much evil to be peaceful
A cruel society, I see
God Almighty, I am NOT free

© 2015, Alphonso Taylor. All rights reserved. No republication of this material in any form or medium is permitted without expressed permission of the author. 

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