Sunday, May 10, 2015

Motherly Rose II: Concrete

Grown ass man, still a Mama’s boy
Gave me birth... shelter, now a laptop my toy
to write you this part two, brings me joy
Memory lane of ass whippings, burned me out
I get mad, but you’ll say, look how I turned out
Jack of some trades and college graduate
Writer and performer, could’ve been laureate
Our relationship is concrete, as your middle name
A Rose I carry in me, everywhere, no shame
I understand what you were teaching me
Surely, all the lessons are reaching me
To my existence, I just wanna apply it
See the fruit of your labor flourish, can’t deny it
In 2011, I left the nest, angry
Thought loved ones were against me
Sibling rivalry, sister for her daughter, my niece
You for them and your husband
Twin brother, uncle about his son
Stepdad just keeping the peace
I guess I’m all on my own
Stepped out on faith and left home
Didn’t have much of a plan
In Florida, is where I became a man
But, I was with the wrong people
Didn’t know wedding plans could cause such upheaval
Sent a message, I got peoples, too 
For these fake ones in taboo
Mom, you said it’s not my fault, I’d tried
I’m in a white suit, standing at the altar, you cried
You’ll be there, if I ever marry again
Pray it’s the last time, because divorce is sin
Baby fever, a touchy subject I get sick in
Sensitive, hope a cure will soon kick in
Don’t worry about it, you won’t love me less
If with children, I never be blessed
Have one grandchild, you may not live to see mine
I’m scared, when it’s my time, no one will be alive
A night on the phone, we exchanged girl titles
Came to a beautiful decision, if I ever see the arrival

I settled to live in North Carolina
You visited, we had dinner at the BBQ diner
Mother and son conversation going well
Something wrong, from your voice I could tell
You almost broke down and felt lost
Held back tears for my problems at a cost
To me, you’ll always be a woman warrior
A real lady, strong, and less worrier
Whoever it was, I would’ve put two in head
For your position and what was done to that kid
You didn’t let it have you remain a victim
I’m glad you’re back in the school system
Although, a Davis, everyone will know about the Taylors
Can’t mess with our survival, we’re NOT failures
Mom, this life can be so shifty
You said, you got it right, close to 50
Looks like, I’m heading down that path
Still, have a while to go, I’m doing the math
Anything in way, will feel your first born wrath
As I can have crazy setbacks
You have words to keep me on the good tracks  
Your advice, not to give a time limit
Long as I’m here, happens, when it happens
The past is over, learned from it, I forgive you
Through the present to future, I’ll live you
Everything was paid for, not once evicted
No streets, we had running water and electric
That’s how I wanna do it
If I never again have someone else
Oh, yeah... you tell me not to be hard on myself

© 2015, Alphonso Taylor. All rights reserved. No republication of this material in any form or medium is permitted without expressed permission of the author. 

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